The Best AA Flashlights
Why Choose a AA to Power Your light?
For those who are familiar with the flashlight industry, if you want big and powerful lights, you'll want to power those lights with bigger Li-ion batteries. If you are looking for a more compact EDC, you'll want to reach for the smaller AAA-powered lights. But what about AA flashlights? Where do these little guys fit in? We've taken a look at our inventory and have compiled a list of some of the most important characteristics and selling features of AA flashlights to help you make the right choice when it comes to shopping for the right LED flashlight.
Available Everywhere!
As with AAAs, AA batteries are available in almost all brick-and-mortar grocery and convenience stores. When you need to quickly re-power your light, it is extremely appealing to know that you can find replacement batteries almost anywhere. While most of our customers purchase their AA batteries from us (thank you!), we understand that you cannot always predict when you will need replacements, and therefore having this convenience is a huge factor when shopping for the right flashlight. All we ask is that you stick to the reliable and well-known brands to power your LED lights.
14500 Batteries Do Not Equal AA Batteries
It is important to point out that some AA flashlights are also compatible with 1400 Li-ion batteries. Prior to inserting any rechargeable Li-ion cell into your flashlight, please do the research and make sure that the light is, in fact, capable of using the higher-voltage cell. Li-ion batteries have a 3.7 voltage, which is over twice the voltage of a standard alkaline. In some cases, the flashlight is not capable of utilizing that additional power and will overheat or will potentially short circuit during use. BatteryJunction.com does an exceptional job at distinguishing between 14500- and AA-flashlights; however, we understand that you may have obtained your light elsewhere. When in doubt, please consult your light's user manual, or feel free to contact one of our customer service representatives who will be able to help you navigate the confusing world of flashlight power sources.

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